It all started with a nicely-priced purchase of a ShapeOko CNC router from a member of one of the hackerspaces who had no use for it. It was still new in the box. First step was to put it all together as it should be.
Have to tap some aluminum rails
A completed, stock ShapeOko CNC milling machine, minus the rotary tool
One of the first upgrades was replacing the motor mounts on the sides, upgrading the metal plates and moving around the belts.
Several upgrades (and missing pictures) later, we have this:
Some planned upgrades yet to come:
- ACME Screw upgrade for Z Axis
- Doubling up on the aluminum extrusion across the X plane for enhanced rigidity
- Framing entire table with 80/20 aluminum extrusion
- Cable chains across axis for wire managment
- Spoilboards and clamp-down solutions
- NEMA upgrades
- Many more